Price Demand, Supply & Market Equilibrium

Assume that Bank of America Corp (BAC) has a $30 bid and a $30.01 offer. At the moment, this represents the demand for BAC stock. Five traders bid for 100 shares each at $30, three traders bid $29.99, and one trader bids $29.98. A buyer who no longer thinks that $50.52 is a good price… Continue reading Price Demand, Supply & Market Equilibrium

What Is a Budget? Plus 11 Budgeting Myths Holding You Back

Once prepared, the capital budget provides a guide for investing in future fixed assets as well as arranging for the financing of the projects. Once prepared and approved, the budgeted amounts are used as a guide or road map in controlling the next year’s business activities. Stashing 10% of your income into your savings account… Continue reading What Is a Budget? Plus 11 Budgeting Myths Holding You Back

Credit in Accounting Meaning, Top 6 Examples, What is it?

More typically, Congress must pass a CR to temporarily extend funding from the previous fiscal year for a specified period, giving members additional time to negotiate final spending bills. Failure to pass spending bills or a CR by the September 30 deadline would cause a partial shutdown of the federal government. Chromium (Cr), chemical element… Continue reading Credit in Accounting Meaning, Top 6 Examples, What is it?

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